As the final stages of the governments roadmap out of Covid 19 comes to the country over the next 6 weeks. Further restrictions lifted, a return on Monday 17th May of exercise classes indoors. Step 4 on June 21st, it’s been tough for everyone however there is a silver lining for the future. Especially all those Personal Trainers and Fitness Instructors out there.
Tough Times
It’s been tough but also very sad, I can only speak from a gym owners perspective. I am seriously gutted to see gyms such as Total Fitness and DW closing. However over the moon to see DW site being taken over by Trugym. Total Fitness site surely can only be another gym, the site is fantastic.
Yes there has been an influx of people training outside, boot camps, personal trainers doing their thing. Online classes, here at HD1 Fitness Clinic we have managed to keep afloat through online spin classes. Hiring out the spin bikes that have now been returned ready for the live classes next week.
There are some exciting times ahead for everyone in the fitness industry and I truly want all the gyms to thrive in Huddersfield. Fill the gym floors and studios all the best to all those gym owners out there.
Owner HD1 Fitness Clinic Ltd.

- Infection rates and hospital admissions continue to decrease in line with scientific modelling
- Prime Minister praises efforts of the public but continues to urge caution during Covid 19
The Roadmap is on track and planned Step 3 easements will go ahead on 17 May, the Prime Minister has confirmed.
The data shows that the government’s “four tests” for easing restrictions have been met. Infection rates are at their lowest level since September. While hospital admissions and patients in hospital continue to decrease – with levels now similar to July last year.
From the 17 May, the majority of the indoor and remaining outdoor economy can reopen, and gathering limits will increase indoors and outdoors. Guidance for close contact between friends and family will be updated, with people exercising their own personal judgement in line with the risks.
The Stay in the UK restriction will be lifted and people will be able to travel to green list countries, if they permit inbound travel.
Caution Covid 19
The Prime Minister continued to urge caution. The aim of the Roadmap is to be cautious but irreversible and unlocking too fast, too soon, risks a resurgence of the virus.
The assessment to move to Step 3 was based on four tests:
- The vaccine deployment programme continues successfully.
- Evidence shows vaccines are sufficiently effective in reducing hospitalisations and deaths in those vaccinated.
- Infection rates do not risk a surge in hospitalisations which would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS.
As set out in the Roadmap, 4 weeks is needed to fully understand the impact of each step. The Government also committed to provide a further weeks’ notice to businesses.
From Monday 17 May indoor hospitality can reopen and indoor entertainment can resume, including cinemas, museums, and children’s play areas.
Up to 6 people or 2 households will be able to meet indoors and up to 30 people outdoors.
Outdoor Entertainment
All remaining outdoor entertainment can reopen, such as outdoor cinemas and performances. Some larger events will be able to take place, including conferences, theatre and concert performances, and sports events. Restrictions on the number of attendees will remain as set out in the Roadmap.
The public can make informed, personal decisions on close contact, such as hugging, with their friends and family. Close contact continues to carry a risk of catching or spreading COVID-19, and people must consider the risk to themselves and to others. COVID-secure rules remain for the workplace and businesses, such as in shops and hospitality.
The Transport Secretary has confirmed that international travel can begin to safely reopen from 17 May, allowing people to go on foreign holidays to ‘green’ list countries. Strict border control measures will remain in place, including pre-departure tests and a PCR test on or before day two of their arrival back in the UK.
Twice weekly home testing will remain to control infection rates.
30 people will be able to attend a support group or parent and child group. The limit will not apply to children under 5.